Pap Smear Screening - Gynaecology Centres Australia

Pap Smear Screening Program Revamp Delayed

When it was announced that the national Pap smear screening program was going to receive a complete overhaul, in an attempt to improve early cancer…

Pap Smear Results Delay

Pap Smear Results Delay Causes Anger and Frustration

The recent proposed revamp of the National Cervical Screening Program to change over to HPV testing, has now become more of a hindrance than a help.…

Ban on Abortion - Gynaecology Centres Australia

Trump’s Global Ban on Abortion

Recently, America’s President, Donald Trump, reinstated a policy that was initiated in the Reagan era, putting a freeze on foreign aid to health care…

Image of Pope Francis by Gynaecology Centres Australia

Pope Francis extends power to forgive abortion

On Monday 21 November, 2016 Pope Francis indefinitely extended the power of priests to forgive women who have abortions, permanently extending the…

Image of a protest on restrictive abortion law - Black monday Poland

Black Monday Poland - Protesting Restrictive Abortion Law

Up to 6 million women all over Poland went on strike, dressed in black and took to the streets on Monday 3 October to protest against the…

New Emergency Contraception

A new form of emergency contraception is now available in Australia. Ulipristal in tablet form may be taken up to five days after unprotected sex.…

What makes a good doctor - patient relationship?

From ancient times it has been recognised that the health and well-being of a patient depends on a collaborative effort between doctor and patient.…

Taking the Pill? There is an app for that.

The oral contraceptive pill is most effective when taken at the same time every day. With increasingly busy lives it can be difficult to remember to…

Federal Department of Health Investigating Abortion Pill Phone Service

The federal department of health is investigating a service providing women with the "abortion pill" over the phone. The service was launched on…

Considering an abortion? We are a phone call away

Considering an abortion? We are a phone call away

When considering termination of pregnancy you need to be assured you receive the highest standard of care. There is no substitute for seeing an…